
  1. A

    1. An Account is a User record, identified by their chosen username and password.

    2. An Author is the User responsible for creating some Content.

  2. B

    1. A Bookmark is an Item that has not been organised, ie. is saved in the "Bookmarks" collection (auto-generated on signup) and not in a User-created Collection.

    2. Bookmarks is a Collection that is auto-generated for users on signup. It is meant to serve as a list of unsorted Items, and cannot be deleted.

  3. C

    1. A Card is a visual representation of Content.

    2. A Classroom is a modified Space for Teachers and Students in which Teachers can:

      • Assign Activities
      • Control the Features and Permissions for Students.
      • Filter the Collections in a Classroom by Student.
    3. Consumption is the process of viewing and interpreting Content.

    4. A Cover is a presentational header or banner used to introduce users to Content.

    5. Curation is the process of creating, adding, and/or organising Content.

  4. D

    1. A District is a group of User Accounts that is related to an education organisation.

  5. G

    1. A Guest is a User who does not have an Account (eg. has not signed up).

  6. H

    1. The Home Area is the root page on which a User lands when visiting the application.

  7. L

    1. A Library is a page that displays a group of Collections.

  8. I

    1. An Integration is a plugin that allows users to add Content through a third-party service, eg. Google Drive or Canva.

    2. An Item is a type of Content. It is the building block of Wakelet, and could be any form of media, such as an image, text, or link.

  9. M

  10. O

  11. P

    1. A Permission grants a User the ability to perform a certain Action.

    2. A Profile is a public facing page; it displays the Owner's info and public Collections, the latter of which can be organised into Sections.

  12. R

  13. S

    1. A Section is a named group of Content.

    2. A Student is a ?.

  14. T

    1. A Teacher is a ?.

  15. U

    1. A User Profile is created for Users on signup.

  16. V